Версія 8.1.04 (22/05/2024)
Correction of the display of data according to the status of each competitor.
It is now possible to move several elements at once in X/Y and in the display order.
Addition of the "competitor sector" image data.
PIT IN data: if a fixed text is entered, it replaces IN PIT.
Improved image drawing accuracy and the position of elements attached to the PIE Progress.
Blackmagic output: writing to the card is separated from the rendering engine.
Activation of the SDI output is stored in memory and reactivated when a scenario is opened.
Safety cars are drawn independently of the start list.
Circuit rotation added.
Версія 8.1.01 (04/03/2024)
The old key encoding system is abandoned in favor of a subscription model.
The program is now only compatible with 64-bit architecture.
The protection key is retrieved from the PC Timing key.
(VLS4009) Addition of the race direction message grid.
Correction of a link error with the timing software.
Optimization of the search for the last active race direction messages.
X and Y deviations on elements attached to the PIE Progress are added to the radius rather than used for simple translation.
The open and close buttons are always aligned to the left + The general parameters of a new graph are not those of the test.
(VLS4420) VC Redist 2015x64 added for PCs not already up to date.
SQLite 3.45.1 update.
DynaPDF 4.0 update.
Updated Freetype 2.13, FTGL 2.4.0.
Removal of support for parallel protection keys.
Other corrections and optimizations.
Версія 7.2.09 (02/05/2023)
(VLS3289) Added three different sets of colours for the windows: light, medium, dark.
(VLS4007) Added start offset for start list and stands.
(VLS4008) Added colouring according to group or class for images and shapes.
(VLS4010) The scenario is saved to file before being saved if it is the current scenario that is saved.
(VLS4014) Addition of additional information concerning access to the event file: current connection, existence/access to the file, test of read/write rights, the timing window has never been opened, different software versions.
The Tracking encryption key is tested instead of the software key.
Update of the application's signature certificate.
(VLS3707) Update of the protection key driver (v8.51), update of the installation program (v6.1).
SQLite 3.41.2 update
Other fixes and optimizations.
Версія 7.2.07 (04/07/2022)
The sector data is not returned if the competitor is in the pits.
Avoids a division by 0 if a circuit is badly drawn.
Reduction of filter smoothing on acceleration per turn.
Other corrections and optimizations.
Версія 7.2.06 (02/06/2022)
Added the option to adjust the curves that influence the speed of the competitors.
The rendering window is created on the main screen in order to solve a bug of Nvidia cards which blocks the launching of the program.
Race ranking: The update of the intermediate ranking is not taken into account under red flag.
The number of laps completed cannot exceed the number of laps configured.
When modifying a past sequence, the data are processed in packets of 256 instead of 32.
Other corrections and optimizations.
Версія 7.2.03 (19/04/2022)
Separation of input/output access from the link with Circuit-Pro.
Correction of the delay of the deletion of an element.
Correction of the protection key not detected from the timing computer.
Added tracking in ellipse mode.
Added tracking in straight line mode.
Addition of the start list ordered by number.
Addition of the "sector" data.
Addition of the data " in pit ".
Addition of the offset on the rankings.
Correction of the initialization of the track parameters which does not draw when opening a scenario.
Drawings start at location 1 for rankings.
Correction of a deadlock when changing session/race.
Removed the initialization of the Publish database when launching the application.
Improved the initialization of the application.
Fixed an exception on the drawing of competitors.
Corrected grid boundaries when moving elements.
Modal windows are moved back if they are over the screen or covered by the taskbar.
Other corrections and optimizations.
Версія 7.1.02 (07/04/2021)
Separation of the image for the FCY flag (ffsa_fc.jpg and flagfcyellow.png).
Fixed initialization of the rotating ranking.
New driver for temporary protection key (v8.13).
Optimizations of rankings calculation and list management (up to 100x faster).
SQLite 3.33.0 update.
Other fixes and optimizations.
Версія 7.0.04 (22/07/2020)
New Design
Addition of the default configuration of track parameters.
Default times are no longer used after a checkered flag.
Fixed an error if the competitors running the circuit for too long time.
The competitor ranked 1 is always drawn above.
Correction of an error when changing the status of a competitor in session.
The status images are reset between each competitor.
Added translations for Flags.
Take in account the geodesy of the earth to center and draw the racetrack proportionally.
Image: Addition of data "FFSA after change track status", "Yellow Flag", "Red Flag", "Code 60 Flag", "Competitor status".
The circuit configuration information is stored in the circuit scenario and not in the event.
Addition of the text "Flag" for a competitor flag of the race director.
Addition of GAP data.
The TIME / GAP data displays the time in the session and the gaps in the race.
The “Safety Cars” checkbox is correctly recorded before closing the scenario.
Added an option to link an object to safety cars.
Improved renderings (Antialiasing).
Changed some translations.
Displays the font names to use.
Improvements of rendering.
Added rotating ranking.
Addition of the Track Status direction data.
Improved calculation of the position of competitors.
Correction of the time of the I1 / I2 Pit Pit out sectors which were reversed.
Addition of a new data item "CODE 60" to display the data during a code 60.
Fixed loading and unloading of images.
Image form : new "File based on data visible if" checkbox, this searches for an image in the Pictures folder with the name: "data text" .png or "data text" .jpg or "data text". the data ”.bmp.
The default times at the sectors are based on the times entered in Circuit-Pro.
The competitors in the pits are no longer displayed on the circuit.
The ranking is based on the choice of pro circuit and not on the start list.
The times under flags + sector 3 for pit in passages + sector 1 for pit out passages are not taken into account for tracking.
Support for new red flags.
Support for flag code 60.
Addition of the track status text data.
Addition of the text data flag of the competitors.
Other optimizations and fixes.